The Digital India initiative is at next extent with the launch of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission scheme. It is a health ID feature for the ...
The Digital India initiative is at next extent with the launch of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission scheme. It is a health ID feature for the public.This scheme has been launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi for all citizens in the country.
What is it?
Under this mission, all the Indians will get a 14-digit unique health ID similar to Aadhaar number. This ID will contain all health records of the individual. This ID no. Will be helpful to keep track of all the health related informations of that individual and also can be used for purposes of identifying the person, authenticating the person.
For this you just need to download ABDM Health Records app on your Android device or just by registering yourself on the Health ID web portal.
For the registration process either you need to provide a mobile number, name, gender, year of birth, and the address or just you can give your aadhar no. it will fetch all the required information.
You can perform the following steps to register on the web portal:
Step 1: Go to the Official Website National Digital Health Mission
Step 2: Open NDHM ID App and Click Registration Form page.
Step 3: Fill in details like name, phone number, etc.
Step 4: Click on the Register button.
Step 5: Now, verify the OTP and fill in further details.
Step 6: Click on Submit button.
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