WhatsApp is among the most popular messaging apps in India and its users are always looking at new tips and tricks to better their experienc...
WhatsApp is among the most popular messaging apps in India and its users are always looking at new tips and tricks to better their experience.While WhatsApp does offer enough, there are few tricks that are not known to all. Be it not using your real phone number to use WhatsApp or knowing whether some is using a fake mobile number to reach out, here are things you are unaware of in WhatsApp.
WhatsApp has become such a big part of people's lives today that most of the work is being done through WhatsApp. For many people, the entire business is running on WhatsApp.
Here am going to share a trick through which you be able to know who is secretly see your WhatsApp profile photo.
Step 1: To find out this, you will need to download a small Android app named WhatsApp - Who Viewed Me or Whats Tracker in your Android smartphone from Google Play Store.
Step 2: To download this app, you also have to download 1mobile market app as well, Without this app, WhatsApp- Who Viewed Me will not be downloaded, although 1 mobile market app will be downloaded automatically.
Step 3 : After the installation of the above mentioned apps when you will open them you will see the mobile numbers and names of those friends who see your profile photo, however in this list only the names of those who have seen your profile photo in the last 24 hours.
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