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How To Create Your Own WhatsApp Stickers

WhatsApp instant application provide you facelift to express you emotions through emojis and now animated stickers are the one option to exp...


WhatsApp instant application provide you facelift to express you emotions through emojis and now animated stickers are the one option to express you emotions. Now you can use Third Party stickers In WhatsApp. Here we will check how we can create your own animated stickers into your WhatsApp

Step1: Download Sticker maker app in your android phone
sticker maker

Step 2: Now open the app and click on "Create New Sticker" . Here you will get option to create new sticker. This will allow you to create only 30 stickers in a single package. 

Step 3: Now select the image or icon which you want to put in the sticker package. For this you may need to give access photo permeation to the app.

Step4: Now draw the outline to the area of the image which you want to use as a sticker. The outline part of image will be your sticker.

Step5: Now add all your stickers into the package. As the app have a limitation. In this you need to add min 3 stickers in a package and max 30 stickers in a package. 

Step 6: Now publish the stickers package and you will be able to use the stickers into your WhatsApp. If your published sticker package into his WhatsApp you will get a notification. 

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