Apple HomePod mini is smart speaker launched by Apple. The device price in India is Rs.9900 in Flipkart. Apple HomePod mini comes with Siri ...
Apple HomePod mini is smart speaker launched by Apple. The device price in India is Rs.9900 in Flipkart. Apple HomePod mini comes with Siri Assistant. Apple HomePod provide 360-degree Audio almost every corner of the room. Due compact in size it can easily fit in any place.
Price: Rs.9900 (Flipkart)
General | |
Brand | Apple |
Model | HomePod mini |
Price In India | Rs.9900 |
Bluetooth | No |
Configuration | Mono Channel |
Features | |
Touch Pad | Yes |
Video Call | Yes |
Battery Life | Up To 1 Hr |
OS Compatibility | iOS |
Voice Assistance | Siri |
Dimentions and Other | |
WidthxHeightxDepth | 9.79x8.43x4 cm |
Weight | 345gm |
Warrenty | 1 Year |
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