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You might have to Pay for Exclusive Content of People you Follow on Twitter

Twitter planning to introduce a new "tipping" feature, in which it might ask you for subscription to use the service, this de...


Twitter planning to introduce a new "tipping" feature, in which it might ask you for subscription to use the service, this decision is taken to get rid of the popping ads. There are other options too for which several teams are looking into.

If this tipping feature come in production then you have to pay for the exclusive content of the people you follow, this will also include as a charge to use Tweetdeck and some others features too like if you want to "undo send" then you have to pay for that too but for now till end of this year there isn't major changes in the service.

Twitter acknowledge this to CNET's through an email and they also mentioned that they are looking for some others option too and they research and development team is working on this. They are planning this to  regenerate revenue if ads are not in the option.

"These may include subscriptions and other approaches that will give people and businesses of all sizes on Twitter access to unique features and enhanced opportunities for content creation, discovery, and engagement," Bruce Falck, the company's revenue product lead, said in a statement. 


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