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Google Shut Down its Internal Game Development Studio 'STADIA'

Alphabet's Google announces the shut down of its internal game development studio because of high costs and not generating revenue from ...

Alphabet's Google announces the shut down of its internal game development studio because of high costs and not generating revenue from last one year, due to this sudden step, now makers of cloud -based games are now entirely depends on titles of other game developers and publishers.

Stadia was established in 2019 along with the internal game development unit to develop titles for the platform.

In an official statement the company says they are shutting down this service because it requires high costs to develop games which attracts users.

"Creating best-in-class games from the ground up takes many years and significant investment, and the cost is going up exponentially," 
                   Phil Harrison, vice president and general manager of Google Stadia

Phil Harrison also said that Jade Raymond, head of Google Stadia game and development also leaving the company to look for some other opportunities.

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