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WhatsApp Rolled Out Calling Feature In WhatsApp Web | Tech News.

WhatsApp is mostly used chat messenger. WhatsApp have audio and video calling feature which is very powerful feature. Currently as we know i...

WhatsApp Web Video Call

WhatsApp is mostly used chat messenger. WhatsApp have audio and video calling feature which is very powerful feature. Currently as we know it is available on in mobile apps. Before the announcement of the privacy policy WhatsApp was having billions of active users per day.

As we all know, WhatsApp Web is the extension provided by WhatsApp through which users are able to use this messaging platform on their PC and laptop as well. The only feature that user doesn't get on WhatsApp Web is calling options. Neither you can do a voice call nor the Video call.

What's the Update??

Since last 2 months WhatsApp was working for providing this calling feature on WhatsApp Web

As per the latest update from Webetainfo. this feature is active in some PC and laptops. 

This feature is currently launched as a beta version. You do not need any installation of WhatsApp Web as it supports every browser.

Webatainfo. gave this awesome news by tweeting on their twitter handle.

Once you use Whatsapp Web a clear calling button is enabled their and beta tag was given to it.

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