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Google Threatens Australia to Shutdown its Search Engine

Australian Government is on a course to pass law that will make big tech giant like Google and Facebook to pay the local publishers accordin...

Australian Government is on a course to pass law that will make big tech giant like Google and Facebook to pay the local publishers according to them for their contents they are using and if they aren't able to negotiate with them then the government will appoint a government arbitrator to decide the price.
In oppose of this law Google on Friday said that if the government move with this kind of media code then they will stop their Search Engine facility for Australian Users.

"The code's arbitration model with bias criteria presents unmanageable financial and operational risk for Google," Mel Silva, managing director for Australia and New Zealand, told a senate committee.

"If this version of the code were to become law, it would give us no real choice but to stop making Google Search available in Australia."

Australia announced this law in the legislation last month after in a investigation they found that this tech giant are holding very much power in their Media Industry.

The US Government this week also asked the Australian Government to scrap this proposed law.

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