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FAU-G Gameplay First View | FAU-G Launched | Video of Gameplay | FAUG Three Modes.

Fearless And United Guards( FAU-G) aka PUBG India's Rival is launched today on 26th January (India's Republic Day). In this article ...

Fearless And United Guards( FAU-G) aka PUBG India's Rival is launched today on 26th January (India's Republic Day).
In this article we will be showing you the First view of this most awaited Indian game. We will be also sharing a video clip of the Gameplay.


Before that lets know something about Modes in FAU-G.

1. FAU-G will offer three modes 

  •Campaign Mode

  •Team Deathmatch

  • Free For All

The game is launched at the Medium Graphics. But did not meet the expectations of PUBG and COD players.

Now, Sharing some Screenshots of the Game.

Design for the Chinese Army characters is also on point, with characters having facial structures similar to the China region.(Below)

Players can gain back their characters lost health by sitting near a bonfire.(Below)

The game only has hand to hand combat weapons.

Some Fighting Scenes 

Only Pre-Registered Users will able to Download it.

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